After 34 years of research in diffuse fields, acoustic measurements and acoustic designs, I have developed software for free distribution to analyze the acoustic texture of monaural and binaural impulse responses.
The Transition Time (Tt [ms]), the Early Decay Time (EDT [s]), the Early Decay Time Transition time (EDTt [s]), the attenuation of the RIR energy at Tt, the accumulated amount of Early Reflections (until Tt) and the Acoustic texture quantification (nOD) are some of the acoustic parameters that this software tool calculates. I invite you to scan the QR code, complete the form with your data and subsequently receive the link to download the software with all the associated information (instructions and papers).

«Acoustic Personality» of a Room

How long does the early sound field last? At what attenuation does the late sound field begin? What degree of «acoustic personality» does an enclosure have? Why is the EDT defined from 0 dB to -10 dB, if the early field could be masked by the reverberant field at another attenuation? These are all questions answered by the theory and calculation of acoustic texture parameters.

GUI of the Acoustic Texture Analyzer_v10.b


The software was born as a simple mathematical function and an edit box as numerical output, to calculate the difference between the accumulated energy curve of the early reflections (real edf) and the ideal energy load curve (ideal edf) of a capacitor. Over time, with suggestions and requirements from «beta» users, I incorporated various utilities and the calculation of other texture variables. After 2 years of programming work, version 10.b can see the light.


Being able to separate the deterministic information from the stochastic information of a room impulse response allows us to define a transition time, Tt [ms], and recognize the evolution over time of both. The Tt is then the communicating vessel between the vast majority of traditional acoustic parameters (RT, EDT, C80, C50, IACCE, IACCL, GL, etc.). This changes the rules of the game: a set of values in traditional parameters are only a balance point among all existing ones. They are not fully independent of each other because there is a common denominator: the Tt.
The above merits disseminating this knowledge through a seminar in acoustic metrology, including the concepts and parameters derived from the acoustic texture. If you want to contact me:
